I play soccer and am also back in the gym, just to work out.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


11/11 is the date. I plan to run 10 kilometers, but I never did that. I just subscribed myself in the race that nike is promoting again in São Paulo. I think the maximmum I ran was 7 kilometers. Got spot working as a crazy and start training more.

This has made me starting making plans already! - I need to exercise more - Let's see if I can keep that promise!


Hurting myself

Soccer made my day a little better today. After work, me and my co-workers went for a game. Nothing much, 5 against 5, alterning the goalkeeper (nobody wants to be the goalkeeper for the whole game, not even the bad players... it's great to score!).

By the second touch in the ball, I twisted my anckle and at the same time I felt that something was wrong. Ok then, I could continue so, I decided to move on and keep playing.

I'm home now, and it's seems that next time I'll be playing soccer with my anckle instead the ball, it's too damm big!! But, you know, makes me feel alive! I don1t feel regreat for getting a little hurt because I know it was for a good cause, scoring goals...


Sunday, October 14, 2007

Just running

Today, I went for a run around my neighborhood. I was planning to run with a friend, but I decided that I needed to put my thoughts in order.

I got my iPod, selected a few songs (heavy metal mostly - i like this kind of music to run) and went away. It was difficult at the beggining, my legs were a little weak (I admit I must run more) but at the end, I felt renew.

After the shower I got the feeling this is going to be a better week.



Last week I played soccer in my high school team. I graduated 6 years ago and since then, people has growth some belly, lost a little hair, but we can still play and think that we are Ronaldos.

Playing on a Saturday morning, after a looong Friday, it was not a surprise that we lost the game. But somehow, this game made us get closer. After 6 years, there were people from my team that I haven't seen in years, and it was very nice.

We are already arranging to get together on monthly basis, because of everybody's agenda. I can saythat playing soccer has transformed my group of friends.


Sunday, September 30, 2007

Another Sunday

I got confess, I forgot to post here the past few days. Do you know why? Because I haven't done any kind of exercise, until today.

This was a regular weekend. I couldn't go out on Friday because I was so tired. In addition, I woke up at 7 p.m. on Saturday (yes, I enjoy the bear way of life sometimes), so now you can imagine why I didn't go out on Friday.

Saturday, with all my batteries recharged, I went out with some friends. No lucky with girls, ok... let's skip this part. As punishment for not exercising for so long, my back woke me up on Sunday saying "hey, I'm here and if you don't work out, I'll keep hurting you".

Despite the laziness, I decided to scratch a little and guess what? I heard all my muscles yawning. Yes, I woke them up, with no mercy, and that made me feel relivied and full of energy - ready for this week that promises to be a tough one. My back is thanking me, and I'll keep trying to be kind to it.


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

we hope...

The only exercise I did today was to go up and down the stairs in the office. Nothing tires me more than do this kind of exercise. I feel awful by the end of the day.

Oh, another thing! Tuesday is the soccer day, but today I couldn't go because some ads I had to air! You can now imagine how mad I am... lol... but that's part of the job and I knew it before I started... can't complain.

As yesterday I subscribed myself in the gym, I hope tomorrow I can start going and keep it regularly. I hope so... People who I work with will be thanking me for my mood.

; )

Monday, September 24, 2007

Changing subject

Today have not been a very good day. Despite the fact that my job took a lot from me, I remembered that I bet 3 beers in Corinthians on yesterday's game. So, let's not talk about soccer.

I came out of the work a few hours ago and decided to subscribe myself in the gym. Yeah, I'm back! From now on, I'll be working out in the same gym I used to years ago. It'll be nice to be back after so many time. Besides you might be thinking, I wasn't sitting on the couch until today, watching the nature grows... I was regularly running at another gym, when I decided to move out from the company I was working. Then, day by day (an excuse after another) I got here and finally got back to gym!

I don't know why, but I started to feel confident, like "ok, this time I won't skip a day..." Let's wait and see how it goes!

Wish me luck =)