I play soccer and am also back in the gym, just to work out.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Just running

Today, I went for a run around my neighborhood. I was planning to run with a friend, but I decided that I needed to put my thoughts in order.

I got my iPod, selected a few songs (heavy metal mostly - i like this kind of music to run) and went away. It was difficult at the beggining, my legs were a little weak (I admit I must run more) but at the end, I felt renew.

After the shower I got the feeling this is going to be a better week.



Last week I played soccer in my high school team. I graduated 6 years ago and since then, people has growth some belly, lost a little hair, but we can still play and think that we are Ronaldos.

Playing on a Saturday morning, after a looong Friday, it was not a surprise that we lost the game. But somehow, this game made us get closer. After 6 years, there were people from my team that I haven't seen in years, and it was very nice.

We are already arranging to get together on monthly basis, because of everybody's agenda. I can saythat playing soccer has transformed my group of friends.
